"The Most Underused Strategy to Enhance Employee Productivity, Reduce Insurance Costs, and Gain a Competitive Edge!"

Imagine a scenario where your workforce operates at peak efficiency, delivering exceptional results that surpass expectations. 

Envision a workplace where employees are motivated, engaged, and driven to excel. This strategy, when implemented effectively, can transform this vision into reality.

The work place.What if I told you that if you made one simple Non-Cost-Related change to your company benefits plan, you could:

  • Improve employee productivity
  • Decrease absenteeism
  • Reduce healthcare costs (For you and the employee.)
  • Improve employee health behaviors
  • and Reduce the risk of “elevated health risks?”


Sound to go to be true? Not according to 50-plus medical studies done in the last 35 years. More on that in a moment.

In today’s fast-paced business world, competition is fierce. Companies are constantly seeking ways to improve production, reduce costs, and attract top talent.

By harnessing these three key factors, your company can not only bolster its performance but also gain a significant edge over your competitors.

Productivity is the lifeblood of any business. It is the efficient use of resources, time, and energy that drives growth and profitability.

What could enhance a company, its culture, and its employees and give it that edge?

Even better, what “covert strategy” do your competitors literally not want you to know?

It’s pretty simple, actually! A wellness program. Even better, a $0 employer-cost wellness program.

Dallas-Fort Worth Zero Cost Corporate Wellness ProgramA wellness program is designed to promote and enhance its employees’ overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

That’s the Edge. That’s the advantage your rivals definitely don’t want you to have.

Numerous studies have found, on average: 

  • A Happy Employee is 31% More Productive
  • A Happy Sales Person Sells 37% More
  • Happy Doctors are 19% Better at Diagnosing Illnesses
  • 70% of Wellness Plan Participants Have Higher Job Satisfaction


A healthier workforce is less prone to chronic illnesses while slashing costs.

According to a study by Harvard researchers, for every dollar a company spends on preventative wellness, medical costs fall by $3.27, and absenteeism drops by $2.73.

72% of companies that implemented a wellness program saw reduced employer and employee insurance premiums.

Better employee health means fewer sick days and less reliance on medical services over time. Healthy employees are more focused, creative, and efficient, leading to increased output and improved overall business outcomes. 

Moreover, companies can attract and retain top talent by investing in employee well-being and reducing recruitment and training costs in the long run.

What is a good wellness program, and how do I choose?

The National Wellness Institute devised three questions that can help persons and organizations assess the degree to which wellness is incorporated into a particular approach or program:

  1. Does this help people achieve their full potential?
    • Gym/No  Running/No  Sports/No  Dieting/No  Martial Arts/Yes
  2. Does this recognize and address the whole person (multi-dimensional approach)?
    • Gym/No  Running/No  Sports/No  Dieting/No  Martial Arts/Yes
  3. Does this affirm and mobilize people’s positive qualities and strengths?
    • Gym/No  Running/No  Sports/No  Dieting/No  Martial Arts/Yes


I want to know more; how do I get started?

Hello, my friend. My name is David Schroeder, and I am from Cornerstone Martial Arts & Leadership Academy. I oversee our wellness program with our community partners.

The true beauty of this strategy lies in its ability to provide your company with a distinct competitive advantage. In an era where business moves at the speed of light, differentiation is paramount; it is crucial to identify and leverage every available opportunity. 

The most significant aspect of martial arts is that it meets or exceeds the National Wellness Institute’s “wellness program” criteria. 

At Cornerstone, not only do we exceed the National Wellness Institute program criteria, but we also train leaders: youth and adult.

We Specialize in three areas:

  • Peak-Performance
  • Self-Improvement
  • Leadership-Development


We use the time-honored practices of:

  • Traditional Martial Arts
  • Self-Defense training
  • Discipline
  • State-of-the-art leadership training
  • & life coaching to grow tomorrow’s community leaders today.

Cornerstone Martial Arts Wellness is about cultivating a culture of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Grab your phone. Do it right now! I want you to call or text me at (817) 677-8722, or if you’d like, fill out the form with your information, and I’ll get back to you.

If you put this off until later, you’ll forget. Act now!

Fill out the form below to

Learn More About Setting Up Your Wellness Program

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